Welcome to Robyn Andexser Dog Training
in Powell River and on Vancouver Island!
Hello and thank you for visiting my dog training website. Here you will find information on my services I offer primarily in Powell River and occasionally on the Sunshine Coast & Vancouver Island. Primarily I do in-home puppy lessons for those who have a new puppy, as puppy training is my favourite. For more than 20 years now I have been helping people raise their dream dog. I also offer behaviour training for adolescent & adult dogs, I instruct the Dogsafe Canine First Aid course and have plenty of tips for canine nutrition. I am also a part time farmer on a local organic farm and I make the best Sourdough bread in town! My awesome 16 year old dog Ty has plenty to still teach as well. Please reach out to inquire about my services.

Vancouver Island & Area Services
Ready to start your Powell River Dog Training? Contact me now!
Contact Me (& Ty)
Powell River &
Vancouver Island, BC